Common Signs That Indicate You Need Heater Repair in Stockbridge, GA

by | Feb 28, 2020 | Heating and Air Conditioning

You do not want to wake up to a freezing cold house during the winter months. That is why it is important for you to get your heater repaired if something is wrong. There are several signs that indicate you need heater repair in Stockbridge, GA.

Strange Sounds

Your heater should run quietly. You should never hear booming, clattering, booming and shrieking. If you hear a loud sound, then you will need to have your heater looked at immediately.


Have you noticed that a lot of dust is in your home? If the answer to that question is yes, then you may need to get heater repair in Stockbridge, GA. This is a sign that your furnace is not able to clean the air. You may need to get the filter replaced.

Uneven Heating

Are there some parts of your home that are cool and others are warm? If so, then your heater is probably not working properly. You may need to get your heater replaced.

Increased Heating Bills

Your heater likely uses more energy than any other appliance in your home. That is why if your energy bills are a lot higher than normal, then your heater may be to blame. Your heater will use more energy if it is not working properly.

If you need to get your heater repaired, then it is time for you to call Logan Heating & Air for more information.

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