Warranties are vital for the home’s large appliances, such as its HVAC system, because they protect the homeowner from paying for labor and parts when a system fails for reasons other than everyday wear and tear. However, these warranties remain in effect only if the owner abides by the terms, and not all homeowners know what’s involved. In the sections below, customers can find out what voids an HVAC warranty, and they can also learn how to avoid these problems.
Not Registering the System
For the warranty to be effective, the system must be registered. In most cases, registration must take place within a certain amount of time; therefore, this should be one of the first things a homeowner does after replacement or Air Conditioning Repair in Appleton WI.
Forgoing Annual Maintenance
Getting an annual tune-up for an HVAC system is essential to keeping the system in good shape, and most experts would agree. An HVAC warranty will be voided if the system does not receive a professional tune-up each year. Additionally, the owner must keep records of these tune-ups, to provide when warranty service is sought.
Using Mismatched or Unauthorized Parts
HVAC systems are intended to work with specific parts, and that’s why most warranties are voided if unauthorized parts are installed. Furthermore, if the furnace or AC is replaced and the other component is left behind, the warranty may be voided because new and old systems are usually incompatible.
Choosing the Wrong Contractor
To keep an HVAC warranty in effect, the owner must work with a licensed contractor for Air Conditioning Repair in Appleton WI. Warranties can quickly be voided when a system is installed or maintained by an unqualified technician; therefore, it’s important to avoid DIY repairs in most cases.
Keeping a Warranty Valid
There are two easy ways to keep a warranty in effect: scheduling annual tune-ups and working with a quality contractor. A maintenance plan can include yearly service, as well as priority repairs when demand is high. If a homeowner has questions about their warranty or they need repairs, Contact Bob’s quality heating & cooling today.