Colorado winters can stress a home’s heating system, and developing issues threaten the system’s ability to heat a home when the cold weather returns. That’s why HVAC experts suggest a homeowner schedules routine maintenance for their Furnace in Greeley CO now rather than waiting. When maintenance is scheduled during warmer months, it’s far easier to get appointments and deal with potential problems.
Evaluating Your Home’s Heating System
When a maintenance appointment is scheduled, the heating expert will carefully examine the entire heating system to determine what types of service are needed. When routine maintenance is taken care of, it’s far less likely serious issues will develop during the winter months. Taking care of maintenance now also makes it simpler to make major repairs if they are needed.
When Would a Furnace Expert Recommend Replacing a System?
At some point, every heating system will need to be replaced. However, the experts may suggest a furnace be upgraded even when it’s still operating. When repair costs reach a certain point or if an aging system is very inefficient, the heating professionals may recommend a new Furnace in Greeley CO. New systems are far more efficient than those of the past, and rising heating costs often make it practical to replace an old unit even if it may be possible to extend its life a couple more years. Since every situation is different, it’s a good idea to discuss the pros and cons of all options with the repair technician before making any decisions.
Taking Care of Related Problems is Always Suggested
Modern forced air systems popular and relatively efficient but, if the system’s ducts are not maintained, the furnace can’t produce the necessary heat easily or efficiently. Leaks or poor routing will negatively impact the heating system’s performance. Ducts that have never been cleaned also create problems and the heating experts will often suggest property owners clean any dirty ducts while the heating system is not needed.
If your home’s heating or cooling system needs attention, now is the time to schedule the work. For more information or to schedule a maintenance appointment, contact Poudre Valley Air today. Like us on Facebook.