3 HVAC Maintenance Tips From Charleston Heating And Air Experts

by | Apr 1, 2020 | Heating & Air Conditioning

HVAC maintenance is often overlooked yet is an incredibly important part of keeping your home at a comfortable temperature. In addition to making sure that the air keeps flowing, proper HVAC maintenance will keep your system running for many years to come.

Not sure where to start with proper HVAC upkeep? Read on for the best three tips

Clean Your Filter on a Set Schedule

Your air filter is one of the most important parts of your HVAC system.
Charleston heating and air experts recommend changing out filters monthly on a set schedule before the dirt and dust has a chance to build up.

In addition to making sure your HVAC is running properly, a clean heating and cooling system will keep the air in your home healthy as well.

Clean the Outside Unit

Your HVAC system is more than the hot or cool air that blows through it. Don’t forget to maintain the outdoor unit of your HVAC system as well. Pick up branches, leaves, and trash that collect outside around the unit.

When cleaning the outdoor unit, use a vacuum to remove excess dust. For a more thorough job, consider working with a professional HVAC company to clean all of its components.

Use the Ceiling Fan

If you have no problem with turning your thermostat up a few degrees, you can take advantage of your ceiling fan. With your fan circulating air in the room, you can take the pressure off the AC system, improving its longevity over time.

Learn more about heating and air services from Smoak’s Comfort Control at https://www.smoakscomfort.com/.

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